Career Services
Employment enhancement programs featuring tailor-made modules aimed at advancing one's career through specialized career services

GD Module
GD Module Group Discussion is a crucial step in hiring for corporate jobs where members are assessed for their participation and leadership skills, their ability to take decisions in the stipulated time frame, and their thinking approach...

Personal Interview Module
Personal Interview is the Ultimate step in hiring for corporate jobs where candidates are the assessed basis of their technical skills, leadership skills, thinking approach, and many others. We prepare you to step by step to ACE PI...

Consulting Case Preparation
Have you ever come across questions like “ Tell me the number of people in Delhi wearing white shirts on a Tuesday” OR “ A company is witnessing reduced profits for last 6 months; find out the reason and suggest a solution” and you might have...

Resume Building
It is often said that the First impression is the last. We believe that the FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE LASTING IMPRESSION. Your resume is your first face to the company you apply for. Is it good enough? Come get it checked, revised, or even get it built from...

Winning Corporate
Being a National Winner in B-School Case Competitions not only adds a star point to your resume but enables you to stand out from the crowd and showcase your real-life problem-solving abilities. Be a part of this 2-hour journey...

Digital Profile Building
The world knows you even before you meet. Your digital profile is your first impression of the outside world. With platforms like LinkedIn especially curated for professionals, the worst thing you can do to your image is not effectively utilized and explore it...

Communication Skills
Effective communication is a key to success and if you don’t communicate your ideas well, the audience would never be able to connect the impact your idea could bring to the world. Have you ever wondered how these eloquent speakers just move...

Career Guidance
The biggest mistake one can do in life is not follow his passion and join a college without an aim. We have all seen students taking a B.Tech degree just because other’s are doing the same, students taking commerce as subjects in class 11...
Explore our Professional LinkedIn Modules

Resume Building (College students)
ATS Friendly resume
Professional Photo
Cover Letter
Crafted As per Your Dream Profile
Email Body Snapshot

Resume Building (Working Professionals)
ATS Friendly resume
Professional Photo
Cover Letter
2 Resume for 2 different people
2 Copies Word/PDF and Visual Resume